Other sites of interest:
The Golden Star of Pytrad Ltd at www.goldenstartakeaway.co.uk is the best Chinese Takeaway around.
Some of my mates sites:
Mark at www.foylesystems.com, a cool friend with a facination for making up words. Did an excellent project entitled "Walking with T-Rex" and another in the final year involving a webcam and multi-coloured spots on the computer screen! Both very impressive so check it out!
John at www.bluemonki.net, an ex-SCARP team member with a facination for monkeys!
Sites from my old days:
Symposium for Cybernetics Annual Research Projects (aka SCARP) at www.cyber.reading.ac.uk/scarp. Look here for the most recent updates on leading edge Cybernetics Research in the UK held at the University of Reading Cybernetics Department.
The University of Reading www.rdg.ac.uk is the home of UK's only Cybernetics Department www.cyber.rdg.ac.uk.
The University of Manchester www.manchester.ac.uk. I used to study at the Policy Research for Engineering, Science and Technology, which is a branch of Manchester Business School.